St John's Road, Driffield, East Riding of Yorkshire YO25 6RS

01377 253094

Driffield Church Of England Voluntary Controlled Infant School

Learn to let your light shine

Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium is additional funding on top of the main funding our school receives. It is targeted at children from low income families to ensure that they benefit from the same opportunities as children from higher income families.  If you are on a low income our school can receive an extra £1345 Pupil Premium Grant a year to help us to help your child do better at school. Please be aware that funding is consolidated and used for overall effectiveness and not 1:1 support.  In order for us to claim this funding you need to be in receipt of one of the following benefits:

  • receiving income support/income based job seekers allowance or income related employment and support allowance;

  • entitled to child tax credit but not receiving working tax credit and your annual income must be below the threshold set by the government;

  • receiving support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999;

  • receiving the guaranteed credit element of pension credit;

  • entitled to the 4 week run on of working tax credit due to employment ending

Looked after children and pupils adopted from care are also entitled to the Pupil Premium Grant.


If you are on one of these benefits you can check if your child is eligible for the Pupil Premium Grant by completing a very simple form which you can get from the school office

The money we receive through the pupil premium grant is used in a variety of ways to ensure the children for whom it is intended achieve their full potential. The detail of how the money has been spent in the past is explained  below.

The grant also makes a contribution to allowing our Assistant Headteacher to have non-teaching time for her role as Safeguarding and Pupil Premium Lead to give support to those families who need it.

Pupil Premium Strategy 2024-27

Pupil Premium Strategy 2023-24

Pupil Premium Strategy 2022-23

Pupil Premium Strategy 21-22

Pupil Premium Strategy 21-22 (Reviewed September 2022)

The impact of this spending is monitored annually by the governing body.