St John's Road, Driffield, East Riding of Yorkshire YO25 6RS

01377 253094

Driffield Church Of England Voluntary Controlled Infant School

Learn to let your light shine

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

At Driffield CE Infant School our aim is to provide a challenging and stimulating curriculum for children of all abilities to ensure they are happy and confident learners and have a thirst for learning.

We aim to offer all children effective inclusion through high quality everyday teaching which is based on clear objectives and next steps for children.

For those pupils needing a bit of extra support to meet their targets and catch up with their peers, we offer timely intervention which may take place in the classroom or in a small group in a quiet area of school. This may involve 1:1 reading practice, some phonics or maths support or small group or individual writing support. We also offer support in social development through friendship and social groups and we work closely with speech and language therapists by supporting children with the important early skill of speech development.

For a small number of pupils, the quality first teaching and catch-up programmes are not enough so we may need to offer a more intensive programme involving more individual support or specialist expertise.

All classes have a full-time teaching assistant who works closely with the class teacher to ensure all our pupils get the support they need. 

We also have an Enhanced Resource Provision for pupils with cognition and learning needs.  Referrals to this provision are made through the Local Authority SEND department.

For more information about our support for pupils with SEND please contact our SENCo Mrs V Lee at school on 01377 253094. 


The Children and Families Bill (September 2014) requires that schools and local authorities publish information about the services available for children and young people with Special Educational Needs (SEN). This document is called the Local Offer.

Please click on the following link to access our Local Offer: Driffield Infant School Local Offer 2023

Please click on the following link to access the East Riding of Yorkshire Local Offer: 

To give you a clearer indication of the how the local offer works in our school we have also produced a School SEN Information Report which can be accessed  by clicking on the link below:

Driffield CE Infant School SEN Information Report

Arrangements for access for all pupils are detailed in our school accessibility plan which you can find on the following link:

Driffield CE Infant School Accessibility Plan

Driffield CE Infant School Special Educational Needs Policy

Click below for details of NHS support for children with communication difficulties

Children's Speech and Language Therapy Service