St John's Road, Driffield, East Riding of Yorkshire YO25 6RS

01377 253094

Driffield Church Of England Voluntary Controlled Infant School

Learn to let your light shine



Hello and welcome to the Foundation Stage Badger Class!

Welcome to our class page. Here you will find lots of important information about your child’s class! We are very much looking forward to working with you and your child throughout their first year here at Driffield Infant School.

Below is a list of the staff members working in the Badger Class:

Miss Corrigan - Class Teacher (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday)

Mrs Chapman - Class Teacher (Thursday and Friday)

Miss Chambers - Teaching Assistant 

Mrs Clarke - Teaching Assistant

Important information:

  • Reading books will be changed every Monday. You will have a book of your choice for your grown up to read to you at home (this is called a reading for pleasure book) and a phonics reading book
  • Children should have a named coat in school everyday - we never can tell what the weather is going to do!
  • Please provide a named waterproof jacket/trousers and wellingtons for your child to access outdoor play whatever the weather!
  • PE is every Tuesday. Please ensure your child comes to school dressed in a P.E kit on this day (blue or black shorts/trousers/leggings, trainers, a white t-shirt, either a school P.E jumper, school jumper/cardigan or hooded top. Children with ear piercings will need to either have them removed before coming to school or come with them covered with micropore tape. Long hair must also be tied back. 


We always like to have lots of fun in the Badger Class and we work hard to ‘Let our lights shine’ in all that we do!