Seals Class23 October 2024 (by schoollogin) |
Our Hockney-inspired artwork is complete!
It has certainly been a half-term packed full of learning, for the Seals Class. They have learnt a great deal about themselves, their bodies and their local area!
As scientists, they have identified and named parts of the human body and carried out a number of fun senses investigations. As geographers, they have explored Driffield, thinking about its human and physical features. On our geography walk, our highlights were seeing a pig's head in the butchers and being waved at by a train driver and whole train full of passengers! As artists, we have studied, and tried to recreate, some of the local work of Hockney by exploring colour mixing, brush work and lines. In English, we are currently learning the poem 'Now We Are Six by AA Milne, ready to perform to each other on Friday. The children find it highly amusing that they are 'clever as clever' when they are six! Maybe you can ask for a performance at home!
Well-done for all of your hard work and smiles this half-term, Seals!