St John's Road, Driffield, East Riding of Yorkshire YO25 6RS

01377 253094

Driffield Church Of England Voluntary Controlled Infant School

Learn to let your light shine

  1. News
  2. Bumblebee Class

Bumblebee Class

29 November 2024 (by schoollogin)

We now have our Christmas tree up in The Hive which all of the children have ‘helped’ to decorate and we have been making some paperchains – some of the children were keen to make them by gluing the strips of paper in to loops. We are  in the Christmas spirit now with things but we are keeping to our routine and timetable where possible as it is really important to the children.

We have enjoyed ‘Hickory Dickory Dock’ as our Nursery rhyme but are now re-visiting ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star’ to tie in with our Christmas Nativity. Please support your child by playing the songs at home; they can be accessed via the Little Wandle website using the link

Purple has been the colour of the week and next week the colour will be orange, so please point out orange coloured items at home to support your child with colour recognition.

Thank you to the parents who have provided a costume for the Nativity so far, if you need any help with providing something please speak to one of the members of The Hive and we will sort something out.

The children had a really great time on the trip to Elmswell Farm yesterday and hopefully all slept really well – the staff certainly did! We are already planning our next visit as they had such a lovely time and enjoyed exploring the farm.

We have been building on the anticipation work we are doing and playing lots of ‘Ready Steady, Go’ games – a firm favourite is ball rolling!

As a reminder - all parents from The Hive have been invited to a training session which has been arranged specifically for the children who are in The Hive. The  training session is being presented by the Speech and Language Therapy service.

The session objectives are to:

  • Explore strategies to support communication.
  • Explore strategies to encourage positive interactions with adults and peers.
  • Explore visual cues to support the child.

It will be held here at Driffield Church of England Voluntary Controlled Infant School on  Monday 13th January 2025. It will start at 09:30am and finish at 11.00am and time will be given to ask questions. Please complete the forms link e.mailed to you to say if you are able to attend or not.


Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Lee and The Hive Team


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